Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Failing to make a complete stop",

So I begin this blog on the day that I receive my first traffic ticket in twenty years .....and the irony is, that while I didn't make a complete stop at the corner of Willis and Woolsey, this incident pretty much brought "a complete stop" to most of my plans for the day, and that is why I sit here, nursing the teething baby Lola for the umpteenth time today, while the kitchen is still a mess from both dinner and my unfinished first seed starts of broccoli, cabbage and kale.  My day was further muddled by the fact that I misplaced my iphone, only to find it after several hours tearing the house apart, between the cookie jar and the compost bin.  I had hid it there from my four-year-old, Bea.  The ringer was turned off.....But I digress already, and I am eager to at least save the day by getting my brassica starts going which will include "Apollo" and "Purple Peacock" broccoli, "Beira Tronchuda" cabbage (loose-leaf, Portuguese cabbage) "Red Acre" cabbage and several varieties of kale.  Most all of these will eventually be planted out on Sauvie Island, where I will be sharing for the third year in a row, a garden co-op with friends.

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